Materials I use or Recommend for Realistic Watercolour
I'm currently selling some excess paints from an Art Shop clearance 'job lot' I bought!
I am often asked for information on the materials I use or recommend for realistic watercolour painting. Of course everyone has their favourites, but here are some of mine. I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you from the links below, I hope you find them helpful.
Some links will take you to Jackson’s Art Supplies but unfortunately due to their trade agreements they do not ship Winsor and Newton products beyond the EU. For these products I have supplied an alternative link.
For more information and guidance on the materials I use or recommend for realistic watercolour why not join up for a free membership to my online school and have a go?
My blog is also a great place for information, in particular there is a really good post for anyone who is new to watercolours. I also have a Pinterest board dedicated to watercolour painting equipment. And in addition on my YouTube channel you will see me using various materials to create my wildlife paintings.
Finally I hope this little insight into my studio has encouraged you to give this fantastic medium a try. Or maybe you are simply looking for some things to add to your wish list or buy for a friend. Whatever your reason for reading this far, I hope you have found this page helpful!
Any questions or queries regarding the materials, please feel free to drop me an email. Paul 🙂